As an insurance company, we answer a lot of questions about insurance every day, and while it’s difficult to predict what we will get asked, there are some questions that come up on a more regular basis. We have therefore put together this FAQ of some of the most common ones, and hope they’ll assist you.
Q. How can I reduce the cost of my car Insurance?
A. There are many ways to do this and below are just some options:
- Limit your mileage. If you only drive 3000 miles per year, tell us. This can save up to 15-20% on some policies.
- Undertaking a Pass plus or IaM (Institute of advanced Motoring) qualification can help. As can being a member of an owners club. If you are do tell us.
- Limit the drivers on your policy. Often being the only driver can bring big discounts (particularly for lady driver policies).
- Conversely, sometimes adding your spouse or partner to your policy can reduce the premium. Check with us when getting your quote and we can check if this helps.
- Increase your excess. Are you going to have a claim? If you think not then why only have a £100 excess when maybe £250 or more would save you money now?
- If you have a garage then use it. Cars kept locked away are much less likely to be stolen. Insurers realise this and can sometimes give big discounts.
If you want cheaper car Insurance call us on 0800 612 9376 and our staff will be only too pleased to help.
Q. Does my policy entitle me to drive anyone else’s car?
A. Only if the insurance certificate says so! There seems to be a popular myth that if you have Comprehensive Insurance you will have this “Driving other cars” extension. This is not the case and most policies offer this on whatever cover you have if you are over 25. But there are exceptions! Do not expect to have this cover. Also remember it is ONLY the policyholder that would be entitled to this and it is on a third party only basis. Read your policy carefully and if you are in any doubt contact us for clarification.
Q. Is immediate cover available?
A. Yes. You must phone us to confirm your required cover and we can start it straight away (Please note you are not allowed to back date cover).
Q. How can I pay for my Insurance?
A. By debit or credit card in full or a deposit followed by monthly Direct Debit payments. Please contact us for full details.
Q. Will I get a refund if my policy is cancelled?
A. Insurers all have different cancellation charges and not all policies will allow a refund. Please call us for further information.
Q. Am I entitled to a courtesy car after an accident?
A. This depends on a number of factors. You must make a claim through your own policy and have comprehensive cover. You would then receive a courtesy car providing you use the approved repairer, subject to availability and only for the duration of the repairs. If your vehicle were written off a courtesy car would not be provided in the above circumstances.
If a guaranteed courtesy car is required this may be available at an extra cost at the start of your policy. Please contact us for details.
If the accident is not your fault our legal providers may be able to offer a hire car at no cost to you but this is dependant on the circumstances. As always please contact us for full details.
Q. I have a second car to insure. Can I use my No Claims Bonus on this car as well?
A. No, no claims bonus can only be used on one vehicle at a time, however an introductory discount may be available if you are claim free.
We hope you have found this FAQ useful. If you have any further queries then please do not hesitate to give us a call on 0800 612 9376